
Friday 21 June 2013

Dairy Entry 27

Entry 27

December 7th

I hated travelling to work it was an hour's drive there and back. I decided to only work at the grind now because the pay was good and so were the hours with 4 days on and 3 days off. Lucky me no driving for 3 days. Granddad said the bar was doing well but refused to let me work my own bar. I need more experience, how does he know has he ever managed a bar. Let's think um no.

December 9th

Izzy hadn't been well for a few days and had thrown up once or twice. She came to me with big smile on her face and told me she was pregnant. She was a month pregnant and I stupidly said "We only got married last week." The moment it left my mouth I knew I'd put my foot in it. As Izzy pointed out we had been sleeping together for longer than a month.

When I told Granddad he was so excited he was going to be a great - granddad. April wasn't happy about having a baby in the house but as I pointed out now she was an adult she could leave at anytime. April soon backed down. As for Dan, well he hadn't heard the news yet as was busy working at the stadium, working toward becoming a Athletic Superstar.

December 12th

Since finding out I was going to a Daddy, I decided we needed a new room built for the baby as we both thought taking over my parents room wouldn't right.  When I talked about the new room with Izzy, she suggested that maybe Daniel wanted a bigger room and because he room was across from ours that would be perfect for the baby.

Dan loved the idea but said he would re-decorate and would have to have new furniture. Izzy had re-done my old room which was now ours and apart from the record shelf nothing was the same.

December 13th

April had now got a new job and was earning her own money. She was out at all sorts of hours and when I tried to ask her what the new job was, the only response I would get was a little of this and that. I knew something was not right but I would have to catch her out.

December 15th

The Aquarius phoned me, desperate for me to work at the club as a barman had quit on them. I told them I worked at the grind and this was my long weekend off but they kept on at me until I agreed. The thing was I now had to tell Izzy. I walked into the room to find Emma going gaga over Izzy's bump. I shout over to her "Hun, been called into work at a different club. See you later. Love you." "Ok have a nice time bye." Izzy shouted back. Great I'm not in trouble besides she busy talking baby with Emma, which was better than the way things had been lately.

December 17th

When I wrote in you to say things were better lately, I'd spoken to soon. Dan had come to see me saying he was going to move out soon as April had punched him in the face and he'd had enough of her tantrums and her lack of respect and it was either her or him.

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