
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Diary Entry 1

Entry 1

My name is Paige Blonde, I was born in Strangetown but things were getting too much for my mum when I reached my teens. She wasn’t well so I was sent to this nice quiet town called Twinbrooks. I moved in with a distant Uncle, Paul Treat. He doesn’t like having his picture taken so I can’t show anyone what he looks like. This shack he calls home 26 Herschel’s Pond Road was going to be my home until I was old enough to leave. It may not be much to look at but the view is gorgeous. I better go and explore the place I would now call home. 

I used to takes lots of photos when I was younger; mum told me I got that passion from my Dad. I haven’t heard from my Dad since I was a toddler and mum wouldn’t say much. She wouldn’t tell me why Dad isn’t around. As I said I took pictures, well today I’m going to do it again as it gives me something to do because my Uncle and I don’t see eye to eye. Here is a picture of our Town Hall and park.

Oh cool; they have a chess table in the park brilliant. When I was little and my grandpa was alive he would show me what all the pieces were for. Now I can practice  cos you never know when you’ll play against a person who loves the game as much as I do. Photographs I will get back into I hope.

Before I forget I’m putting in a picture of my mum, this was taken on her wedding day. Didn’t she look beautiful, it is a shame I can’t see the whole dress but she did say it was gorgeous. I hope I see her again soon. Uncle Paul is so.... grumpy.

September 3rd

First day of school bites...It drove me nuts having to listen to the teacher drone on and on about things that weren’t going to be needed in the real world. Something did come out of going to school and that was I met Shark, what a cool name. I wonder if he’s even noticed me, I don’t think so I mean look at him as he seen him. He’s properly got a girlfriend so not fair.

I did get a chess match in with a cowboy today and uh lost cos my Uncle phoned me in the middle of the match and told me I’ve got housework when I get home. He should get of his A** and do housework.
Life Blows.....

September 10th

School is getting really boring, I want to leave but I promised that I would stay, so here I sit day after day listening to each teacher bore me. I have made some friends but I never have time to hang out with them because of all the homework I have to. I read all sorts of books especially logic books so I can keep up to date with the chess. I did read an article about ghosthunters and that sounds interesting...
I saw Shark today and he smiled at me wow.

October 2nd

I tried ringing mum today but no answer. I hope she’s ok I’ve heard nothing since I’ve been here and I am worried and every time I ask Uncle Paul he says last he heard she was having bed rest, doctors orders.
I wanted to Say “Happy Birthday Mum, have a great day“. I wish I could be with her but I promised I would be good and it’s really hard. There are only questions a mum can answer and my Uncle makes up any excuse if I try and talk to him. I had a logic book given to me and have been soaking up the chapters.

November 5th

I hate bonfire night. Sitting here alone in my room writing in you, telling you how the load noises and the big bangs frighten me. How does anyone enjoy this? I know the lights in the sky are pretty but it makes no different I’m still scared.
You want to know why because when I was younger I had a friend, my best friend Zoe and she and I would get all excited about the fireworks and would bug our parents to get the fire going and our little display in the back garden and our sparkles. We were dressed up as it was so cold outside. We had hats, scarves and our gloves on. We were given our sparkles and were told the same thing every year hold them at the bottom when they are lit.
We did just that and everything was fine until the sparkles ran out of sparkles, Zoe took her glove off to try and relight it but before her mum could say anything it was too late Zoe was in hospital with terrible burns to her hand. After this we lost touch.

December 25th

It’s Christmas I wanted to go home to see Mum but the trip was cancelled at the last minute because she has gotten worse and the doctors don’t think it going to be long. Some Christmas...

January 6th

Mum died a few days ago and today was the funeral. Uncle Paul has been really good with dealing with all the arrangements. Friends and family came to say goodbye and everyone gave me that sad look, as if to say how will I cope. I miss her so much, there is so much I want to tell her and I will never get the chance but I hope she can be proud of me.

February 14th

I can’t believe I haven’t written in you for so long. What can I say? I did get that date with Shark but he’s history he wasn’t all that and besides I’ve met an older man Aaron Boone.

I’ve taken more pictures of the town here’s one of the shack and the home my Uncle bought us to be nearer the school.  A bit late but at least it is better than the shack. End of school year is coming and I can leave home.

Life is looking good...

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